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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Dogs, Security, Rubbish, Recycling

Below are some of the current community topics that are being highlighted and discussed within our SS20 forums: whatsapp, facebook and blogs:

1) Dogs - The stray dog population has been reduced from 8 dogs to about 3 now. The topic of concern is our own residents letting out their dogs to defecate at other residents' front and side areas. A few residents will be approaching us to view the CCTV footage to identify and record the dogs/owners. We applaud those dog owners who walk their dogs on a leash and clean up after the dog does its business.

2) Security - Three separate security incidents occurred in the Southern Zone earlier this week: a house break-in, shoes stolen and snatch thief case. We should continue to be vigilant of our home and surrounding areas. The Police has advised that security incidents are expected to increase just before a festive period.

3) Rubbish - MBPJ has on 1st June appointed a new contractor for general cleaning, grass cutting, domestic waste and garden waste. The contractor is in the process of "trying to catch-up" on these areas. We want to encourage residents to help in the effort to keep our environment clean and neat. This will include for example: putting your kitchen waste in a garbage bin, putting your garden cuttings into a bag or tying it up, putting these garden cuttings/other waste in front of your own house and not creating "illegal dumping spots".
Please do not create illegal dumping spots

4) Single-Stream Waste Separation - The MBPJ sponsored recycling project on roads 14 and 16 has been going well. Please bring out your yellow bin only on Tuesday morning as close to 10:00 am as possible. There has been one incident where a bin was taken away by a "cyclist waste collector". 
MBPJ is now working on the details to extend the project to the other roads in the Central Zone. 
Please place yellow recycle bin in front of your house every Tuesday morning at 10am

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Security Update

During community policing last night at the Central Zone, Kpl Zamzuri has reminded us to be more vigilant during this period because from their statistics, there is usually a spike in criminal incidents close to a festive season. We are advised to contact the police if we see any suspicious activity in the neighbourhood. 

1) Late May - Robbery at Jalan SS20/26
A lot of cash was stolen. Intruders entered in a black BMW. Happened during the daytime. Case is under police investigation.

2) 6 June - Burlary at Jalan SS20/4
Cash and computer stolen. The owner's small garden cangkul and hand fork found inside house. Front gate and glass door not locked. Grill was locked. No sign of break-in. Owner suspects intruder squeezed through the grill. Police report has been made.

3) 6 June - Jalan SS20/6 : In the morning, the owner realized a pair of crocs and ladies' undergarment stolen. Shoe cabinet was wide opened.